Monday, January 31, 2011

got nothing against you and surely i'll miss you~~

HI. Today has been okay. The medical examination was okay larh. I don't know. NOBODY TOLD ME THERE WAS GONNA BE A BLOOD TEST. I went into the first room and someone was getting their blood taken. I'm like looking at it with the O.O face. In my mind i'm like
So the lady first poked the needle into my left arm but she couldn't get the blood out cuz my vein too small... So she changed to my right arm. OUCH!! It still hurts now. AT LEAST I DIDN'T CRY LOL. Actually i never cried when taking any injections before leh. Primary 1, primary 5 and sec 3 injection for mac. I DIDN'T EVEN SHED A TEAR. Me so brave. -pats my own head-

The xray was just awkward. I had to change into this robe? Plus i had to bun my hair up. I look like some Japanese auntie. Then had to lean on this board thing? While standing. Press the front part of your body against it. LOL. Or something like that. Furthermore i had to hold onto some thingy on my butt?! WAIT. This sounds wrong. Hard to explain like that. Nvm. IT'S OVERR

After this and that lastly go to this doctor. Like normal consultation... THE DOCTOR SO CUTE HAVE ANOTT. I told him about my leg and he's like ohh. That's pretty serious :o Then the way he say things is way nicer. Doctors don't say YOU ARE FAT. They say "You are slightly overweight." I'M NOT EVEN SEVERELY OVERWEIGHT. I'M SLIGHTLY. Cuz the BMI i should have is like 23. Mine is 24. ABIT ONLYY. He makes me feel way better -.- After that he told me that i must remember like every month de dates for my period. He said "Cause IF, IF ah one day you pregnant, you must realise it! Don't be so stupid like other gurls who are pregnant for 5 months and they don't even know it" LOL. K then i lefttttt.

Went to meet YATI. She go find job. Saw viknesh working. SO FUNNY. OH AND HARRIS GOT SELL CYANIDE AND HAPPINESS. 25 BUCKS. I LOVE YOU HARRIS T.T I'MMA BUY YOU NEXT WEEEEK. It's cold. Thank god they injected my right hand tho... If not if put left hand i can't play guitar hero :o Anyways, here is a gif of wifey for you. LOL
my baby is awesome k.

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