Sunday, December 19, 2010

blabbering lol
KATY PERRY HAS BEEN NAMED MTV'S #2 WOMAN OF THE YEAR. SECOND LEH. Not interested to know who is the first. SECOND LEHHH. WEE. WIFEY IS DA BESTEST AND THE SEXIEST. SEE THE PICTURE ABOVE. WOAH. SO FIERCE. and she has strong legs :3 strongstrong wifey. there's a moth flying around oh god it hit my hand. gross. thank god NOT BEETLE NEHHH. CHOI. TOUCHWOOD. I'M HUNGRY.

I'M SO TIRED RIGHT NOW. I SHOULD REALLY BE SLEEPING BUT. I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M NOT. Urgh. Now i feel very confused because i'm listening to songs like first it's like somethingsomething ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLDDD then suddenly throughh the treeess~ i will find you~~ i will heallll the ruins leftt inside of youu~~ THEN SUDDENLY. OH~ YOU KNOW, THAT TONIGHT I'M LOVING YOU then suddenly got ludacris de very manly and horrible rap. LOL? YES. MY LEG PAIN. AHHH MY BACK PAIN. i can't wait to eat my lollipop :3 TOMORROW I TAKE PIC SHOW U K? BYE

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