Saturday, January 29, 2011


Today i decided to try the expert on Guitar Hero!! This is what i got.
I'm gonna cry T.T But i chose an easy song tho. First time mah. I tried playing some other hard songs and i can seriously die. MY FINGERS HURT YO. Anyways... Mattstarz... is my xbox profile name... I can tell you the origin of the name!! I like the name Matthew and i like rockstars. So... Matthew + Rockstar = MATTSTARz. LAME MUCHHH. k.

I feel so unappreciated... Like nothing i do is ever enough. GAVE YOU ALL I HAD AND YOU TOSSED IT IN THE TRASH, TOSSED IT IN THE TRASH YOU DID. TO GIVE ME ALL YOUR LOVE WAS ALL I EVER ASKED CUZ WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IS I'D CATCH A GRENADE FOR YOU. Refering to 2 people here... DON'T WORRY KOKO. Not you. LOL. Sighhhhh. At the end of the day, i get nothing. No wait. I get something from one of you. I GET FREAKING SCOLDED. No la. Not scolded but you got pissed off at me. Then the next day you just pretended like nothing ever happened. Tsk. Anyways, so now i'm not going to do anything anymore. It's not like you need it anyways. Pssh.

I ate 3 packets of gummy bears in a day. TAKE THAT.

I could fake it
I could break it till it hurts
I could take whatever words you say
Pretend I never heard
LOL JK i can't T.T If only i could tho... Love the song anyways.

4:55 am. Goodnight. Or should i say good morning? I love you wifey

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