Today i almost lost it over you my babygirl. Someone said something bad about you and i fought back. I will defend you with all my life. You're my queen and i'm your soldier.I strongly believe that my views are not biased. They're judging you by what they see in tabloids which is fucking ridiculous. THEY DON'T KNOW YOU LIKE I DO. They have no rights to judge. They fucking think i'm just bullshitting to defend you but i'm not. Those are the facts and they are too blind to see it.
You think my obsession with Katy Perry is dumb? Hey, at least i worship someone that EXISTS. Yeah. I'm going there. I don't say anything when you worship your gods. I respect that. But do you respect my love for this woman right here? NO. So screw it. I'm not gonna take this. There is no proof that your god exists. For example, don't fucking tell me the bible. It's just a fucking book written by people. Your argument is so invalid. YOU'RE WORSHIPING SOMEONE THAT DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING EXISTS AND YOU THINK I'M BEING STUPID? PLEASE. JUST STOP.
She makes me happy. She inspires me. She just... makes everything better. Why do you find that so hard to believe? Why do you find that ridiculous? Just because she's a celebrity? Or because she's a WOMAN? Just like me? Please just... Stop being so narrow minded. There is nothing wrong with that. AREN'T WE ALL HUMAN BEINGS? I'M JUST A HUMAN BEING LOVING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT? I seriously believe that the world would be a much much better place without religion. Hate on me for this. But this is my belief. You crossed my line so now i'm crossing yours. WE'RE FAIR. BYE.
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