Sunday, November 28, 2010

My teenage dreamsss

Wifey wifey wifey. God must be proud of himself for creating someone as purrrfect as you :3
Ali larter x.x 34 years old and still HAWTTTTTTTT.
I'm usually not into Asians but I LOVE YOU~!
LOL. Random. K. But seriously tho. Too bad they're all taken. PSSSHH!!

ANYWAYS. It's 5am! I don't have to worry about my mum waking up and nagging the crap out of me because SHE'S NOT HOME. YAYYYYYYY. I'MMA GET YOUR HEART RACING MY SKIN TIGHT JEANS BE YOUR TEENAGE DREAM TONIGHT~ Still love the song :3 I still love you. Hahahaha. I'm not really... that... excited... :/ I'M BLEEDINGGG. LOL. I'mma bleed for 3-5 days and not die. I is super gurllzx. I dreamt that i had a super high fever. I dreamt that i had a caucasian girlfriend. Oh god... It has really gotten into my head x.x NOOOOOO.

I love my fatty fatfat. Ghimmy loves him :D WINTER WHITE HAMSTERS ROCKS YO. All so roundround and short legs. Gwahhhhh. So cuteeeee

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