Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's LevioSA not LevioSARR

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LOOK. AT. THOSE. FURRY. ARSE. Oh wait its not an ass. It's more like their back. The point is, IT'S SO FLUFFYYY. The middle one looks like a rabbit version of my Fatty. SPEAKING of fatty, i've finally come up with a full name for it. Fatty Perry. LOL. Urgh, i love you, you stupid glutton! XD

I just finished watching Harry Potter 1, 2 and 3!! I wouldn't consider myself a crazy fan person but i LOVE the philosopher's stone and chamber of secrets!! AND I LOVE HERMOINE. Not sure how to spell her name tho. She's so hot right now. LOL. ANDAND I love the spells. Wouldn't it be cool if they really existed and can help you in like real life? Even though it's not real... It wouldn't hurt to try... Just let people think that you're nuts. Hahaha

Next time if you forget to bring your keys, stand at the door and say ALOHOMORA. Open sesame my arse. Use alohomora xD When something at your house breaks, point at it and say OCULUS REPARO! If you see your enemy, feel free to use AVADA KEDAVRA. If you're feeling abit more evil, use CRUCIO. Torture that son of a bitch. In extreme situations, for example when you're being robbed and the person has knife pointing at you, use EXPELLIARMUS!! It won't do anything to them. It'll just get rid of their weapons :3 When you see something you're afraid of, for example a beetle, use RIDDIKULUS! It'll change into something completely hilarious. Fear be gone! LASTLY. MY FAVO. When you drop something or you want to take something that is too far to reach, don't use "the force". Star wars is so lame. Use WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA! Remember to pronounce it carefully or it won't work!! And also, remember to SWISH AND FLICK!

God that was so lame. BAI

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