Wednesday, August 29, 2012


TODAY I WENT TO ZE HARRY POTTER EXHIBITION. LIKE FINALLY XD THE BEGINNING INTRO AND STUFF DAMN COOOOL. The lady needed a volunteer for the sorting hat and she picked me!! I DIDN'T VOLUNTEER SHE CHOSE ME HEHHEHHEH. The moment i went in she was eyeing on me already. I FEEL SHO SPECIAL. HAHAHA. HUFFLEPUFF FO' LIFE BITCHES. After that don't know why the other people around were damn friendly to me LOLOL. They kept laughing and smiling at me. YAY. I listened to Rowley's mum advice! BE YOURSELF. PEOPLE WILL LIKE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE!
HERE IS A RANDOM PICTURE OF AN ANGMOH BECAUSE ITS GETTING TOO WORDY. Don't you wanna dance? Say you wanna dance! Don't you wanna dance?~ Went to Gardens By The Bay afterwards... Just the outside tho. Didn't go into the conservatories. TIRED SIOL. ALMOST GOT LOST. Daaaaamn stupid.
 Chiali ask me to take this picture one. "MUST TAKE WITH THE TWO TREES" Hahaha. NOT BAD HOR. WE SHOULD BECOME A TEAM. JESSIE JAMES

MUSHROOOOOOOOMS. Or are they fungi? Or are they the same? I honestly don't know. NEHMIND. oh god i got distracted i can't remember what i wanna say.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ahhh he called me awesome today again. Oh stop it, you :3 You sho adowable argh

Saturday, August 25, 2012

brb dying

dear people who calls Katy Perry fat, what the fuck is wrong with you? If this is fat, PLEASE LET ME BE FAT LOL omg. *drools*

what do i stand for?

 modelling 101
 Taking pictures BEFORE eating is too mainstream. TAKE PICTURE OF THE LEFTOVERSSSSS
oi now 7 month you don't like this please
 went into times, saw this and i literally shouted OMG
i stole my first ikea pencil today. Yay

I had to make a choice between sleeping and caucasians. I chose the latter. HEHEHE. Day 2 of minecrafting with 2 caucasians heh. Didn't slept for the whole night and just went to school in the morning. Fantastic. As you can see from my walrus picture, my eyes buay tahan liao. I have 3 injuries today :( 2 booboos on my leg. One fucking deep paper cut on my middle finger. SRSLY SIAAA. I was messing with the measuring tape in ikea and then bam... T.T

I think now i'm just trying to get through life... Argh. I can't begin my journey towards my dream. It's bothering me. I'm sorry baby i love you but i know i'm never gonna get you so you're not my dream goal anymore... I can't... I need something achievable else i'll really loose it. But that doesn't mean i'mma stop loving you. You're the best. You're helping me get through it all~ You won't hurt me like the others...

Urgh why are you so cute T.T You're sucha dork omggg. I don't know... But seriously. LE SIGH. ANYWAYS  I GET TO SLEEP UNDER A GIANT LEAF TODAY HEHEHEHE

Friday, August 24, 2012

the leaning tower of onion rings

food wastage

STILL FIND IT SUPER COOL THAT YANYAN DROVE ME TO SCHOOL TODAY HAHA. I WANNA DRIVE ALSO. Sooon. November. I'm going to a journey to fulfill my dream!! What doesn't kill you fucks you up mentally THAN you'll become stronger. REALLYYYYYY? I'm happy. Extremely. Oh god no i'm not happy. Because if i say i am, something would definitely come along and fuck me up. I'm... satisfied :D 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


 Eh random.
 ESPRESSOUP. Is that the name of the place? LOL. Forget when... Went to eat it with chialiiiiii
 This auntie here. Like srsly. One whole meal. SOUP. AND BREAD. But it was damn filling, The staffs was superrrrrrrrrr friendly. I like i like. Today was sorta random :o Woke up to text from miinwei and chiali... Then suddenly they say they wanna come over... OKAY LOH!
 Them dancing to dance central. 
 Like pro only hor. HAHAHA! GOT VIDEOS. HIAKHIAKHIAK. Will keep them for my own amusement. Then the other random thing was i accidentally tweeted to some random guy and he tweeted back then he followed me i followed him. Okay... MOVING ON
LOOK WHAT CHIA LI MADE ME. She has way too much time on her hand :p I should really be sleeping now... Needa go to IMH tomorrow for the school thingy. I AM SEMI EXCITED. LEGGO. I just realize this post got alot of the name chiali. Pfft. Later she see already happy only. BLEARH. Opps mum just woke up. It's a sign that i should go to bed. I'll just pretend that i'm doing some project right now... Hmm yesyes busybusy

Sunday, August 19, 2012

yet again

The time has come for me to face the fact that i've lost you. I kinda had this feeling a few months ago but i thought it was just me... I didn't wanna believe it... But those text verifies everything. Goodbye best friend. For now? Forever? I might be over reacting. Who knows. But you don't seem bothered about it at all... You never really bothered did you? It's alright i guess. As long as you're happy right? On the bright side, at least someone is happy that i'm sad. Right? 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


You know how i've been putting off posting about the Katy Perry super sneak peek since like friday. Well. The person uploaded the picture and i look like poo HAHAHAHA SO I SHALL NOT UPLOAD IT. SCREW IT LA. Here is the only picture i took HAHAHA. This is for FRIDAYYY ah LAST FRIDAY. 
10 August.
 THE TICKETS!! It was bloody awesome. Chiali and I was the first inside the theater. Kiasu :p The seats i got was pretty awesome. There was this lucky draw thing... "Firstly.... everybody look under your seats!!!" WOAH SO EXCITING. It's to win the poster. I NEVER WIN SAIII. But it don't matter :p Cuz i won it today!! HEHEHE. I lazy to say much... After finishing the movie we chiong to the toilet xD And a girl asked me "Do you want to squat?" I gave her a sleazy smile HAHAHAHA. She was referring to the squatting toilet... Cuz nobody wanted to go. FAST FORWARDING TO THE PRESENT.
14 August.
 Some fucker won a Katy Perry cutout from 98.7. RAGEEE. After the movie i saw her and i was like "CAN I HAVE IT?" she heard me from far and smiled at me HAHA. I AIN'T KIDDING BITCH GIMME. HAHAHA. K la nvm AT LEAST I GOT POSTER. 
 With the toilet queen.
The sound system at the Shaw House is fucking tight! LIKE SERIOUSLY. Especially at all those songs part. THE BASS IS SOOOLIDDDD MANNN. EARGASM. Still not bored of the movie. Duh, 2nd time only :P MORE MORE MORE. I love you babygirl. Just you and i... Hehe. Oi i want a studio recorded version of Katy Perry's cover of I Wanna Dance With Somebody leh. DON'T YOU WANNA DANCE? SAY YOU WANNA DANCE! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

the sooner you realise this the better

I've been putting off blogging about the Katy Perry event because the stupid Mr Popcorn haven't upload the pictures!! I WANNA POST 'EM. FUCKERS! Argh nvm. MOVING ON. Saw this thing about writing a letter to your ten year old self? I WANT TRY

Dear 10 year old me,

Bitches be crazy.

Yours sincerely,
17 year old me

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wish i can be a psychopath. Seriously. They're charming and they don't feel remorse!! There's many more traits to them but these are the two i want T.T Sadly i can't be one because i don't have a smaller amygdala. Once again my body has screwed me over. PFFFFTTT. Is there a way i can make my amygdala shrink? LOL. Shall google it... tomorrow... Super tired now. Shall go to bed. GOODNIGHT. OH AND I WILL BLOG ABOUT MY KATY PERRY THINGY TOMORROW OR LATER WHICHEVER LA WEE WEEEWEEEE

Thursday, August 9, 2012

is this real life? is this just fantasy?

Whenever i'm feeling down, i keep reminding myself that i'm wide awake. Whenever bad thoughts come into my mind, i'll just repeat the line to myself... It sounds retarded but hey it helps me get through. I'M WIDE AWAKE!!!!!!!! I'm not blind anymore. Baby you really light up my world like nobody else. Day started off pretty shitty. Towards the end i realise why! I WAS ON MY PERIOD. YESS BLAME THE PERIOD. HAHAHA. Fucking hell messed with my mood. Was raging inside. I don't even know why. But when the day was ending someone said something to me that totally cheered me up. Is it safe for me to write it down here? LOL. I don't think any of my friends in MDIS knows my blog anyways. I'm not trying to toot my own horn but i just wanna... write it down somewhere just in case i forget. I can't remember the exact words but it's somewhere along this line

"You are really the most epic person in class. I like you alot."

Was that really said? Or am i really losing my marbles? Still in disbelief. LOL. Well at least now i know who to write to for my PI class assignment. Not just because of that comment... But yknow. That person is pretty epic too. AND ANOTHER PRETTY LADY CALLED ME A CUTIEPIE. AWWWWW. *dies* You guys are sho shweeeeet. I don't like hugging people in real life so.... VIRTUAL HUGGGG (that you guys will never know about) *hugs*

Can't wait for my iron man headphones and Katy Perry shirt to arrive!! This time they didn't cancel my order already heh. Everything is gon' be fine and dandy. AND FRIDAY I'MMA GO WATCH ZE KATY PERRY MOVIE ERMERGERD SO EXCITED CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Artsy fartsy picture to make this post seem less wordy
We should never stop learning!! And we shouldn't limit the things we learn!!! For example, i want to learn ARCHERY! JUGGLING! Seems very useless? HECK WITH IT. JUST LEARN IT. You'll never know when it might come in handy!! One day a zombie apocalypse might happen!! Or you might be chosen to join the hunger games!! WHO KNOWS. YOUR ARCHERY SKILLZ IS GON COME IN HANDY. Furthermore, it wouldn't hurt to learn a few more things right~ If someone ask you WHY ARE YOU LEARNING THIS?! You say WHY THE HELL NOT YOU SONOFABITCH. Kidding. But yeah... Be more open minded!! Be more accepting!! BE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. LEARN ANYTHING YOU WANNA LEARN. This is random but i just... really wanna learn... juggling... and archery... And my mum is like -.-"""

Saturday, August 4, 2012

a series of events

Wednesday. Seriously love the packaging. LIKA COOL ONLY. I waited one freaking hour at the post office just to get this -.-" The auntie infront of me keeps on complaining and was damn mean to the staff when it was her turn. But i still smiled at them. TEEHEE. They're trying their best already whut...
Thursday. My eyeliner got me alot of attention :P didn't expect it? LOL. Just randomly got Gaya to put it on for me and BAM. HAHAHA. Someone said i looked cute ~.~ Someone pretty somemore ~.~ Ahh i am not worthy of your compliment. LOL. Then after that some china lady said i look malay whut. MAYBE I SHOULD PUT IT ON MORE OFTEN HAHAHA. 

 Friday! Went to watch The Three Stooges! Super retarded show LOL. As much as i love Jane Lynch, she's really not suitable for that role LOL. AS A SISTER LIKE WHUT NO. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE
Captain America is a muslim.
 and Hulk likes My Chemical Romance.
Happy Jasmin is happy. ARGH NEXT FRIDAY FINALLY CAN'T WAIT COME ON TIME MOVE. Went to buy food otw home and the guy saw my tattoo on my wrist and he was so fascinated by it XD I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN TO HIM THO... I was like uh it's a symbol from a game... Then he gave me weird look HAHAHA NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. He said it was cool tho cuz not common to see a girl having a tattoo there. INTERESTING. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It took me long enough to finally figure this out but... family is really important. I used to think the whole thing is so dumb... Like i would be perfectly fine without em. But today, just as i farted infront of my brother, i had an epiphany. I'm dead serious. I realize... Who else can you be so comfortable with? As disgusting as it is, i can just fart freely when my family members are around and we'll just have a laugh about it. I'm not the only one who farts hor. My brother, mother and father does it too HAHA. No matter what troubles you have, they will be there no matter what. Regardless of whatever reason it is, like maybe they don't have a choice, THEY WILL STILL BE THERE RIGHT? And that's all that matters. Who was there when i was down? Who was there when i needed money? :P THEM. Well when i was feeling down i was mostly alone but hey... My mum is paying for my IMH thingy. They are the only people in the world who would entertain me and my shenanigans. My friends would but not the way my family does. Maybe they're just used to it :p BUT EITHER WAYYY. IT WORKS. IT'S ALL GOOD. 

Oh and my dad is not in the picture because... he's not really with us much... Lol. BUT HE IS ALIVE AND HE IS IN THE FAMILY OKKK. I don't have a picture with him LOL. He's annoying sometimes :p BUT HE'S DAMN NICE TO ME I SWEAR. "Papa i no money :(" Suddenly 50 dollors will appear. HAHAHA. K la BYE. Got school later roar